We speak to consultant orthodontist, implantologist & aesthetic laser dentist, Dato’ Dr. How Kim Chuan of the Imperial Dental Specialist Centre about Orthodontics: who needs it, the types of dental problems patients encounter, and the latest treatments available – Invisalign and Invisalign G5 for deep bites.

What do patients seeking Invisalignm treatment go through during the initial appointment with an orthodontist?
Firstly, there is a consultation so that I can understand the patient’s desires and needs better. Then we will take three 3D X-rays. We will also take a lot of photographs of the patient’s teeth, to analyse their smile and face from every angle. Lastly, we will take special impressions of the teeth to make a mould. The mould for the teeth will then be sent to California for laser scanning so that the treatment plan can be mapped out.
Invisalign has recently launched a new corrective procedure, G5, for patients who have a deep bite. Can you explain what is meant by a deep bite?
A deep bite, also called an overbite, is where the upper front teeth protrude over the lower front teeth. It is usually because of genetics or extraction of teeth. An overbite is due to a disproportionate eruption of the front teeth or over development of the bone that supports the teeth and a front to back discrepancy in the growth of the upper or lower jaw. Patients with a deep bite have a very strong bite due to this overlap. As mentioned earlier, teeth provide structural support for our facial shape. Patients who have a deep bite tend to have a shorter face. A deep bite is one of the hardest conditions to treat and can be very challenging in orthodontics. However, with extensive research and development, Invisalign has managed to develop technology called Invisalign G5, which has a new feature to treat deep bites, making it just as effective as conventional methods of treatment.
What can happen if a deep bite is left untreated?
Firstly, it may cause TMJ. It also tends to traumatise the upper gum. There is an issue with aesthetics due to the shortened face. Lastly, the sufferer can’t chew properly.
How does the Invisalign G5 differ compared to conventional metal braces?
Invisalign G5 is built with a customised ramp or bite block to treat deep bite. It is also a low force invisible aligner, making it much more comfortable to wear compared to conventional metal braces.
Is Invisalign FDA approved?
Yes, the Invisalign System has FDA clearance and meets all medical device specifications.
What kind of care is involved for a patient who undergoes Invisalign treatment?
Care during treatment is similar to our usual dental care and routine. We have to remove the aligners to brush them to keep them clean. But it is very easy to use and care for your aligner.
What other corrective dental treatment does Invisalign treat besides deep bite?
Invisalign is able to treat all malocclusion, just like other conventional methods. It is able to realign the teeth three-dimensionally, just like conventional braces.
Where do you see the future of invisible aligners?
I believe invisible aligners have a very bright future. We have seen many successful cases with great results.