Specialties / Aesthetic Dental Surgery Bachelor of Dental Surgery (PIDC) Education – Bachelor of Dental Surgery degree (BDS) from Penang International Dental College (PIDC), graduated as the valedictorian of her class with high distinction Academic Awards – Dean’s Commendation of High Achievers from the University of Queensland, Australia Professional Activities – served the Ministry of Health Malaysia in Johor for 2 years – invited to join the mission to serve the indigenous people in Mersing, Johor – co-organize a health awareness camp in Muar, Johor whereby the mobile dental clinic was utilized to provide check-up and oral healthcare advice were given to the community in Muar Conferences/Other News – Co-founding member of her Student-body Council in college and now elected as the secretary of her Alumni society 2 terms in a row and is also the founding member of the Alumni